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  • What Are Security Operations? Essential Skills for Security Personnel
Jun. 20, 2024

What Are Security Operations? Essential Skills for Security Personnel

Today, the hidden risks related to security are always a pressing issue in society. Therefore, the task of a security guard is not just to stand guard and observe but also to include many other important duties. This requires personnel to have professional skills to support their work effectively. Security operations include various smaller tasks, all aimed at ensuring security, order, and safety. So, what are security operations? What are the essential skills a security guard must possess? Let’s explore these details with SECOM Vietnam in this article!

What is Security Operation?

Basically, security operation is a set of professional skills that a security guard must have to ensure the order, security, and safety of property and lives of clients and those around them. Security operations are divided into smaller tasks such as patrol, fire prevention, etc. Depending on the area, situation, and specific requirements, the security guard will use the appropriate skills.

Current Security Measures

Security measures are carried out according to state regulations. Specifically, according to Decree 06/2013/ND-CP, Clause 1, Article 4, security measures include the following:

  • Administrative security measures
  • Public security measures
  • Patrol and guard security measures

State Regulations on Security Operations in Enterprises

According to Decree 06/2013/ND-CP on security operations in enterprises, the general regulations on these operations are as follows:

  • Scope of regulation: Regulations on tasks, functions, activities, organization, regime, and policies for security forces in enterprises.
  • Subjects of application: All Vietnamese enterprises and foreign companies operating in Vietnam.
  • Principles of organization and activities of security forces: Security organization activities must be established by the enterprise owner. Security forces must be under the direct command and control of the head of the agency.

In addition, security service companies must strictly comply with these regulations as well as the law. Actions that misuse the security title to commit illegal activities, affecting the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organizations, are prohibited and punishable by law.

Working Principles of Security Personnel

Every profession operates based on general principles and aims towards certain benefits, including the security profession. So, what are the principles of security operations?

  • Tasks must be carried out openly, clearly, and transparently.
  • Be accountable to the head of the enterprise, agency, or factory.
  • Professional demeanor, agility, and a spirit of mutual support during task execution.
  • Always be ready for any situation; strive and be brave to complete assigned tasks.
  • Perform security operations systematically and according to trained procedures.
  • Maintain communication with superiors during tasks.
  • Do not perform tasks beyond your scope of function, authority, and duty.
  • Be ready to cooperate with authorities on security and order issues.

What are the Objectives of the Security Force?

The objectives of the security force can include various targets such as enterprises, factories, supermarkets, etc. Basically, the targets of the security force are divided into two types:

  • Fixed targets: These are immovable targets regarding space and location, such as:
    • Asset-containing targets: Treasury, banks, jewelry stores…
    • Technology-containing targets: Enterprises, production and processing facilities, power plants…
    • Crowded places: Hotels, supermarkets, bus stations…
    • Infrastructure-technical targets: Bridges, ferry terminals, cultural works, monuments, tombs…
    • Special targets: Underground parking, high-rise buildings, cable cars, surface water infrastructure…
  • Mobile targets: These are movable targets in both space and geographical location, including people and transported goods.

In practice, there are also combined targets, which can be both fixed and mobile.

Duties of Security Personnel

The duties of security personnel are based on the target of each contract, as follows:

  • For fixed targets:
    • Open/close gates, check documents of employees, staff, shippers…
    • Record information and handle cases of relatives and partners wanting to meet with the owner.
    • If the subject exhibits suspicious behavior, the security personnel can request to check the means and luggage of everyone entering and leaving.
    • In case of asset embezzlement, the security personnel must make a record and report to the owner for resolution.
    • Observe and remember unfamiliar faces in the workplace.
    • Maintain security and order in the working area, and prevent disruptive actions.
  • For mobile targets:
    • Detect, prevent, support escort, and suppress all actions infringing on the target.
    • Regularly check transportation means, ensure on-time progress and plans.
    • Supervise the loading and unloading of goods. In case of shortages, timely prevent and rectify.
    • Implement protective measures and handle issues related to the safety of the target within the scope of duties and authority of a security personnel.
  • For VIP targets:
    • Be ready to deal with actions infringing on the client.
    • Observe and pay attention to filming, photographing activities with fans, visitors, and their means when contacting the client. This ensures absolute safety for the client’s person and property.
    • Inform superiors and the nearest police agency when necessary.

Basic Security Skills Required Today

To excel in security duties, certain supporting skills are necessary. Here are the basic skills every security personnel should equip themselves with for their job:

  • Patrolling Skills: One of the fundamental and most important security skills, where the security personnel moves around to observe the surroundings, ensuring no incidents occur.
  • Fire Prevention Skills: Necessary for working in factories, processing plants, high-temperature areas, etc. This helps minimize damage to people and property.
  • Martial Arts Skills: Crucial for securing enterprises, malls, places prone to theft, etc., ensuring timely response and protection.
  • Communication Skills: Essential for leaving a good impression through greetings, behavior, and guiding customers in commercial centers.
  • Chaos Control Skills: Vital for calming and dispersing crowds during emergencies like fires, ensuring safety.
  • Technology Application in Patrol: Security companies also train personnel to use technology in patrol activities, enhancing competitive edge.

SECOM – Providing Reliable and Quality On-Site Security Services in Vietnam

If you are looking for a reputable, quality security service provider, SECOM is the best choice. As a company offering security services following Japanese standards, we ensure to provide the most effective and satisfactory security solutions for customers.

Choosing SECOM guarantees quality service because our security personnel are professionally trained with all necessary skills for their duties. Managed by SECOM Vietnam in combination with oversight from our parent company in Japan, regular training and inspections are conducted to improve service quality. Security personnel at SECOM are ready to meet all customer needs and are fully responsible throughout their duties. Contact SECOM today to experience top-tier security services.

Additionally, SECOM offers other security solutions such as:

  • Consulting, designing, and installing online alarm monitoring systems
  • Installing security surveillance camera systems
  • Installing time attendance systems
  • Installing access control systems
  • Installing vehicle access control systems …

These are the details about security operations SECOM wants to share with customers. We hope this article provides a clearer understanding of enterprise security operations, making it easier for you to decide on using these services. If you are looking for effective security solutions, partner with SECOM today.

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