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  • Top 10 Safe And Effective Ways To Secure Surveillance Cameras Today
May. 24, 2024

Top 10 Safe And Effective Ways To Secure Surveillance Cameras Today

Cameras are safe security monitoring devices but also pose many risks because they can be hacked and data stolen, endangering users. Therefore, proactively preventing and enhancing security for surveillance camera systems, especially online surveillance camera systems, is extremely essential to protect the privacy and safety of individuals and people. close. Let’s immediately explore with SECOM 10 ways to secure cameras safely and effectively against the risk of attack.

What is camera security?

Before learning about the concept of camera security, you need to know clearly about the form of camera hacking that occurs frequently on this device. Camera hacking can be understood as a form of hacker (information thief) illegally breaking into any camera system, then taking away all data information to serve bad purposes. This behavior is easy to do when the camera’s security is vulnerable.

At this time, enhancing camera security is extremely important. Camera security means applying safety measures when setting up a camera system to protect all personal information and improve the security of the system as well as an optimal and effective anti-theft solution. than . At the same time, camera system security measures also ensure that collected and stored data is always safe.

Why is it necessary to secure the camera system?

Cameras are installed to help users easily observe and control all activities in areas that need attention. However, surveillance camera systems have also become a big challenge for users. Because, information and data stored in the camera system can be easily stolen through holes formed due to errors from the manufacturer or from the user’s own negligence. This creates threats to security issues and even the privacy of individuals and families.

Therefore, users need to learn safe ways to secure cameras to promptly prevent illegal and dangerous intrusions. At the same time, these security measures will also help the camera system promote its effectiveness in ensuring absolute security for the user’s residence and personal information.

Top 10 safest ways to secure surveillance cameras today

Reality shows that most hackers can only penetrate the camera system when the system has some loopholes. Therefore, users need to know safe and effective ways to secure cameras to enhance system security as well as help cameras operate at their best.

Install a camera with data encryption feature

One of the best ways to secure a surveillance camera system is to install equipment equipped with SSL/TLS and WPA2-AES encryption from trusted brands. These features will enhance system security and absolutely prevent attacks from hackers.

Use strong passwords for cameras and wifi devices

Passwords with weaker security strength will be an opportunity for hackers to easily attack and penetrate the system. The more complex the password and the more special characters it contains, the more secure the device will be. In addition, the wifi device linked to the camera also needs to be set with a high-density password similar to the camera and limit providing the wifi password to strangers. Because, for highly skilled hackers, devices connected to cameras will also become opportunities to penetrate the main system.

Limit the number of devices accessing the camera system

Limiting the number of devices accessing the camera is also the best way to secure the camera. Accordingly, you should only use one to two personal devices to log into the system and especially do not log in with unfamiliar or public devices.

Install firewall and anti-virus software on access devices

Firewalls and anti-virus software are no longer strange to today’s users. These applications have the function of preventing and removing bad data that wants to enter the system. Therefore, quality surveillance camera devices need to have firewalls and copyrighted anti-virus software installed to ensure safety during use.

Regularly update manufacturer updates

Usually manufacturers will release updates periodically. Because old versions that have been used for a long time will have certain errors caused by viruses and new updates will improve and fix these vulnerabilities. Regularly updating the firmware is also the best way to secure the camera, avoiding creating opportunities for intruders.

Only view the internal LAN network to secure the security camera system

Observing and monitoring cameras through the internal network is considered an effective and optimal way to secure cameras, helping to reduce the risk of dangerous intrusions. However, this method can only be applied to businesses that manage camera systems in the area. For individuals, this method is not optimal when users want to observe remotely and must use another connection.

Limit camera installation in sensitive locations and areas

Bedrooms or private areas are sensitive places and cameras should not be installed if not necessary. This will help protect personal information and images if the camera system is illegally accessed and data is stolen. Instead of installing the camera in the bedroom, users can install it at the door or hallway area to control entry and exit activities.

Set up a virtual private network (VPN)

Virtual private network secures IP cameras through transmission encryption with 2 layers of security: VPN password and system password. Thanks to these two layers of password, the camera system will be absolutely secure from hackers who want to illegally break into the system.

Choose to buy cameras from famous brands

One of the most effective and easy-to-implement ways to secure cameras is to choose products from reputable brands such as Hikvision, Dahua, Kbvision,… Because reputable brands often apply advanced technology. Modern, integrated with many smart features and highly secure. According to surveys from users, for genuine cameras, the possibility of unauthorized intrusion is significantly reduced.

Choose a reputable surveillance camera system installation unit

Besides using genuine cameras from famous brands, users also need to choose a reputable and safe surveillance camera installation unit. In particular, SECOM is a unit specializing in consulting solutions for installing absolutely safe smart surveillance camera systems. We support customers with design plans, install cameras in suitable locations, provide operating advice and are ready to provide warranty support with long-term after-sales service.

SECOM – Specializing in consulting on design and installation of quality camera systems

SECOM is a company specializing in providing a variety of quality security services from Japan. With more than 50 years of operation in this field, we are trusted by many customers and partners with absolutely safe solutions such as permanent security services, online monitoring services, and surveillance camera systems. , access management system,… suitable for all business fields.

Coming to SECOM, customers will receive consulting support on solutions to install security camera systems as required. When using SECOM’s services, you can be completely assured of a professional working process, a perfect combination of people and advanced equipment, thereby ensuring the most optimal solutions for your customers. client. Please accompany SECOM to improve the quality of life and tighten absolute security.

Above are safe and effective ways to secure cameras that SECOM has compiled and shared. Hopefully this useful information will help you properly apply security camera system security to minimize data theft from bad guys. In addition, if customers need to learn more security solutions to improve their quality of life, please contact SECOM immediately for the fastest and most dedicated support.

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