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  • Access Control System – The Best Security Solution Today
May. 3, 2024

Access Control System – The Best Security Solution Today

Life is increasingly developing, the need to ensure security for people and property is also increasing. Accordingly, the access control system was born as an optimal solution that brings safety, convenience and efficiency compared to traditional methods. Through this article, SECOM will provide you with detailed information to help you choose the most suitable door control solution.

What is an access control system?

Access Control System is a door management support system, operating based on advanced identification technology such as passwords, magnetic cards, fingerprints, and faces that have been pre-installed for individuals. in and out at the place where this system is installed. Accordingly, each individual will be given a password, card or stored fingerprint or face as an ID number. In this way, the access management system will assign permissions based on the issued ID number.
In addition, the door control system can also be combined with management software to help businesses manage timekeeping and calculate employee salaries effectively. Accordingly, businesses can easily track and monitor employee entry and exit activities at the workplace.
In addition, when installing an access control system, businesses can also promote automation in management, thereby reducing personnel costs. With the help of control software, the division of work and shifts also becomes much faster and more effective.

Classification of access control systems

There are many access control solutions on the market with different functions and levels of security. Accordingly, choosing a suitable vehicle access control system depends on many factors such as usage needs, budget, scale, etc. Below are some popular access control systems. most applicable businesses today.

Access control system with magnetic card

The magnetic card access management system uses a reader equipped with ID card swipe technology to confirm access activities. Thanks to the advantage of low installation costs, this system is applied by many offices, companies and businesses. In addition, the building access card control system also brings many advantages such as:

  • Fast authentication and identification speed in just 30 seconds.
  • Access management systems can be installed both indoors and outdoors.
  • Support remote employee management via the Internet.
  • Supports connection with surveillance cameras, fire alarm systems, and burglar alarms extremely effectively.

Fingerprint access control system

The fingerprint access management system applies fingerprint biometric technology to issue orders to close or open the door. In addition, this system can also track and record data related to entry and exit. Not only that, fingerprint access control solutions also support businesses in timekeeping, helping to save time and human resource management costs. This is the reason why fingerprint access management is the choice of many companies, factories, enterprises,…

Access control system using facial recognition

Access control using facial recognition technology is considered the most modern and advanced technology today. This management system works based on analyzing facial biometric characteristics with a previously collected database to compare and contrast. Accordingly, people entering and leaving only need to look at the machine for identification, so the security and accuracy of this system are highly appreciated.

Structure of the door control system

Before better understanding the operating principles of access management systems, we first need to delve deeper into their structure. Accordingly, each door control set will include an access control lock, management software, access control device (identification device), power supply and accessories.

Access control machine (Recognition device)

The identification device will be responsible for identifying users through each person’s unique characteristics such as face, code, fingerprint, magnetic card. Accordingly, the access control machine will be the main device of the entire system, when managing input information linked to other components in the access control system. Depending on needs, companies and businesses can use it for access management purposes or as a door control time clock.

Access control lock

The access control lock will take on the task of locking and securing the door system, preventing any entry or exit without a command from the control device. This device can be a magnetic suction lock, electromagnetic underground lock or latch lock. Depending on the type of door, use or install the corresponding type of lock.

Management software

Access control systems can operate stably without needing to install management software because they can operate independently. However, in cases where companies and businesses have higher requirements, management software is an effective tool to manage human resources simply and effectively. Because this software can assign access rights to each specific object, timekeeping, provide data, general reports,…

Power supply

Power supply is an indispensable component in the access management system. Specifically, this device will help convert 220V AC power to 12V DC power for the entire system. The power supply can be a 12V DC uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a conventional converter adapter.
Power supply is an indispensable component in the access management system


These are the accompanying equipment and details depending on the specific requirements of the business and the installation terrain. Most of the accessories will be brackets for locks, exit buttons to open the door from the inside, wireless door opener handles, emergency exit buttons to open the door when you need to escape,…

Operating principle of access management system

The factory access control system operates based on the principle of authentication to authorize users. Below is the operating principle of the entire access management system:
Each door will be installed with an electromagnetic lock system and two readers (one input reader, one output reader) to control the lock. In the normal state, the locking device prevents free passage through the control door.
The readers at the doors are connected together and data from this reader will be transmitted to the control software on the computer.
A person who wants to enter a controlled area needs to register in the system’s memory in advance. Next, the management department will grant unique access rights (code, access card, fingerprint, face,…) to that person. When they want to enter and exit this area, they are required to use this access.
All data including user information, entry and exit times will be saved in the reader and then transmitted directly to the control software on the management department’s computer. This data is also the basis for businesses to keep track of time and calculate salaries for employees.
The operating principle of the access management system is based on the principle of authentication

Some common features of access control systems

The door management system brings businesses many benefits and superior features compared to traditional management methods. Specifically, the outstanding features of this system are as follows:
Providing a perfect access control solution, high security with many methods such as magnetic card recognition, fingerprint, face,…
Prevent illegal access, to protect people and property.
Reduce human resource management costs, improve transparency and fairness in the company.
Support monitoring and checking at any time,
Supports providing data and exporting many types of summary reports.
Easily integrated with other systems such as CCTV, CMS, fire alarm, alarm, elevator system, automatic door system, deposit box system,…
The access management system brings many benefits and outstanding features

Benefits of installing an access control system

Applying an access control system is a great solution to improve security and safety. Therefore, vehicle access management systems are increasingly widely used because of the practical benefits they bring. Here are the main benefits of installing access control solutions that you should know:
Flexible system: The access management system allows users to flexibly assign access rights. Specifically, the management department can grant unlimited access to employees or only allow them to pass through the door within a certain time frame or access certain departments and specific areas.
Don’t worry about losing your keys: With a variety of smart identification methods such as magnetic cards, faces, fingerprints,… users don’t need to worry about forgetting or losing their keys.
Easily search and retrieve access data: The access management system also supports users in controlling and tracking users to know who enters and leaves the management area. These data can be easily accessed through management software on the computer.
Remote access feature: In case you need to let someone in but don’t want to give out the code, you can grant them permission to open the door remotely. This is another great feature of an access management system.
Minimize costs: Door control systems can also be integrated with other systems to save management costs.
It can be said that installing an access management system is a smart investment

How to choose the right access management system

Door control solutions are increasingly widely used thanks to the practical benefits they bring such as cost savings, improved security, convenience and effective human resource management. However, to choose the right access control system, you need to note some important factors below.

Determine installation location

This is an important factor, because you need to research carefully to consider the location that brings the most convenience and efficiency when operating. For example, if you want to install an access management system at the main door, you should choose products that provide a highly secure authentication method and integrated intrusion alarm function.

Survey the parameters of the door where the device needs to be installed

Each different type of door will need to use a corresponding access management system, specifically as follows:
With regular glass doors: Use and install a drop-latch lock.
With iron doors: In case of new doors, access control systems can be installed here.
With wooden doors: Almost all access control solutions of different lines can be installed.
With steel core doors: This type of door has very few suitable installation equipment, so you will need to choose a lock without a handle.
With normal glass doors, a drop-latch lock should be used and installed

Select the type of access control device to install

Depending on the purpose of use, you can choose the most suitable access control solution. Currently, businesses often use popular control devices such as access management using fingerprints, magnetic cards, passwords or faces.

Choose a reputable, quality installation unit

Choosing a reputable and quality installation unit is very important to ensure the access management system operates stably and effectively. Accordingly, you need to consider the criteria when choosing an access control system installation unit such as experience, technician skills, warranty service, maintenance,…

SECOM – Provider of comprehensive door control solutions

SECOM is a leading security solutions provider from Japan with more than 50 years of experience. Accordingly, we provide a comprehensive access management system with a variety of authentication methods to meet all needs from office households to large-scale businesses.
Comprehensive door control with SECOM’s access management system
Access control solutions at SECOM bring security to zoned areas that need to be managed with building access card control systems (Mifare cards, EM cards, HID cards,…), control solutions biometric door control (fingerprint, face, iris) and support for timekeeping management.
For areas that need large-scale security management, the factory access control system that SECOM provides also has the ability to monitor overall information through the Map View tool to monitor on the overall map. In addition, with a team of well-trained and experienced staff, SECOM is committed to providing customers with solutions for installing effective, safe and convenient door control systems.
The access control system not only helps protect human life and property, but also contributes to creating a safe and transparent working environment. With convenience, flexibility and high accuracy, this security solution has been widely applied in many large and small businesses. Choose SECOM to be provided with professional, effective and comprehensive door control solutions.

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